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Toldora - это аутсорсинговый call-центр по обработке заказов от наших клиентов. В связи с расширением приглашаем руководителя call-центра со знанием итальянского языка!ОФИС/УДАЛЕННО/ГИБРИД! Задачи: Управление командой колл-центра: повышение уровня квалификации сотрудников, решение кадровых вопросов, организация и контроль за рабочим временем, предоставление обратной связи Адаптация, обучении сотрудников отдела Сбор данных и формирование отч
Мы детская академия IT «impact» приглашаем: преподавателя онлайн направления Мы ищем тьютора - наставника, который будет: помогать детям самостоятельно находить ответы и решения создавать безопасную и мотивирующую среду для активного обучения налаживать эффективную коммуникацию и поддерживать интерес к самостоятельному изучению Чем предстоит заниматься: Вести группы детей от 5 до 17 лет в онлайне Работать в тесн
Misiunea noastră - să învățăm un milion de copii să programeze. Cine suntem?Bloomcoding, cel mai mare startup EdTech din Moldova! Cu o investiție impresionantă de 1,2 milioane de euro și o echipă de peste 50 de specialiști, ne dedicăm să învățăm un milion de copii să programeze. Utilizăm tehnologii ca Virtual și Augmented Reality pentru a reimagina educația online. Despre JobCăutăm pentru echipa noastră Consultanți Educaționali entu
Fii stăpân pe timpul tău - alege flexibilitatea care se potrivește stilului tău de viață! Căutăm pentru echipa noastră Reprezentanți Lecții Demonstrative entuziaști care să aducă magia învățării în viețile copiilor. Această poziție esențială stabilește primul contact cu viitorii elevi ai școlii noastre și părinții acestora. Îți vom oferi: Muncă 100% remote: spune adio drumurilor lungi până la birou - lucrează de
Ai abilități în comunicarea eficientă cu clienții și ești interesat de domeniul vânzărilor? Te invităm să te alături echipei noastre prietenoase în calitate de Operator 1CallCenter! Vei beneficia de: Regim de lucru 5 zile pe săptămână, part-time sau full-time Remunerare pe măsură (fix+ bonus); Bonus de bun venit $350 Lucrul la distanță de oriunde din lume Training-uri și dezvoltare personala; Lucru &
Căutăm persoane pentru postul de Web Developer Intern. Cerințe față de aplicant: Abilități de lucru la calculator Abilități de analiză Capacitatea de a învăța constant abilități noi Posibilitatea de a participa la training-ul de pregătire Experiența anterioară nu este obligatorie Compania noastră oferă: Condiții avantajoase. Lucru la distanță (remote). Instruire de la 0 / stagiere. Un mediu dinamic de lucru. Perspectiva de
We are seeking a detail-oriented Data Entry Specialist based in Moldova to join our fast-paced team. This is a hybrid position, with a full-time schedule from Monday to Friday. As Data Entry, we are looking for someone who is responsible for collecting and entering data in databases and maintaining accurate records of information. There's no need for experience because we offer you training sessions and full support at t
We are looking for a professional sales manager who can provide his department with qualified solutions, invaluable experience, non-standard and competent solutions. The ideal sales manager has deep experience with the entire sales process, excelling at lead generation, relationship building, and deal closing. We’re looking for a quick learner who has strong negotiating skills — someone with a successful track record who can inspire
Why join Safeguard Global? We want to help you “Work in Any Way” - that means, making time for family, commitments, and life outside, so that you can have the best of both worlds. When you own what you do and are driven to deliver, you have the flexibility to decide where and how you work.Our roles aren’t just remote and hybrid first—they break free from the traditional ways of doing things, paving a way for A Job T
Una grande azienda internazionale, rispettata in Europa, Asia e America Latina, sta sviluppando e aprendo intenzionalmente nuove filiali. La direzione principale dell'azienda è la vendita attiva di beni delle categorie "Bellezza", "Salute" e prodotti correlati. Siamo felici di accogliere nel nostro team dipendenti attivi e ambiziosi con conoscenza della lingua ITALIANA. E dimostreremo che lavorare in un call center non solo porta guadagni
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry.We have а great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
La Mamico, lider în industria produselor pentru copii și părinți, căutăm un designer grafic creativ și dinamic, specializat în crearea de bannere vizual captivante. Dacă iubești ceea ce faci și ai o pasiune pentru inovație, te vrem în echipa noastră!Responsabilități: Proiectarea și realizarea de bannere atrăgătoare pentru campanii online, rețele sociale și alte platforme digitale. Colaborarea strânsă cu echipa de marke
Una grande azienda internazionale, rispettata in Europa, Asia e America Latina, sta sviluppando e aprendo intenzionalmente nuove filiali. La direzione principale dell'azienda è la vendita attiva di beni delle categorie "Bellezza", "Salute" e prodotti correlati.Siamo felici di accogliere nel nostro team dipendenti attivi e ambiziosi con conoscenza della lingua ITALIANA. E dimostreremo che lavorare in un call center non solo porta guadagni e
Compania garantează: Instruire gratuită Lucru individual cu un antrenor Flux constant de cereri de la clienți Program convenabil - 2/2 (luăm în considerare și alte opțiuni de program, de comun acord cu conducerea, dar nu mai puțin de 25 de ore pe săptămână) Salariu plătit la timp Posibilitate de creștere în carieră Cerințe pentru candidați: Experiență în vânzări și lucrul cu clienții (nu este obligatori
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have а great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, includi
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have а great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, includi
Compania se specializează în furnizarea de soluții complexe și personalizate în domeniul asigurărilor. Responsabilităţi: Asigurarea înregistrării legale, obținerea licențelor necesare pentru operare și asigurarea infrastructurii necesare pentru funcționare; Elaborarea unei strategii eficiente de intrare pe piață, adaptată specificului locali, inclusiv stabilirea obiectivelor și alocarea resurselor necesare; Conducerea și m
About Us: U Trust Insurance Agency LLC is a leading trucking insurance agency serving clients across 27 states. With a strong commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we have built a reputation for providing top-notch insurance solutions and exceptional service. Position Overview: As a Customer Service Representative, you will play a vital role in delivering outstanding service and support to our valued clients. Your exceptional com
Suntem cel mai mare proiect de fitness pentru femei din mediul online românesc - Fitness Mama. Din 2019, am ajutat peste 450.000 de femei să slăbească și să revină la formele dorite după naștere. :) Acum, suntem în etapa de pregătire a unui nou produs revoluționar în nișa de Health and Beauty și avem nevoie să extindem echipa care va lucra cu clienții noștri, oferindu-le consiliere și suport nutrițional. Dacă vrei să valorific
As a Java Developer, you will be part of a talented software team; will design and build new components and/or features, create automated tests, and ensure the software lives up to our quality standards. Responsibilities: Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle; Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable and reliable Java code; Identify bottlenecks and bugs, and devise solutions to these problems; Recommend changes
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
Обязанности: Разработка и реализация стратегии отдела Управление деятельностью подразделения Обеспечение выполнения планов и достижение показателей Оптимизация бизнес-процессов и повышение их эффективности Руководство командой, включая подбор, обучение и мотивацию сотрудников Внедрение новых технологий и инновационных решений в деятельность компании Требования: Опыт в IТ или смежных областях Опыт работы на руководящей должности не
We are looking for German, Italian and Polish speaking representatives ready to work in an international environment. Responsibilities: Establishing contacts with customers via phone (a training course is included); Negotiate for sales transactions; Develop loyal business relationships; Work with one of the most advanced system. Requirements: Knowledge of German, Italian, Polish level B2-C1; Good knowledge of PC (Excel, Word
Компания IT Dev Service специализируется на оказании полного спектра услуг по обработке заказов и запросов нескольких крупных американских интернет-магазинов, занимающихся продажей большого ассортимента промышленной группы товаров клиентам из США, Канады и других стран. Мы приглашаем в свою команду сотрудника на вакансию HR специалиста (HR manager). Что входит в обязанности? Поиск специалистов для работы в компании; Проведение первичных инт
Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain scalable, high-performance web applications. Translate UI/UX designs into responsive, interactive user interfaces. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability. Collaborate with the back-end development team to integrate APIs and ensure smooth functionality. Write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. Participate in code reviews to ensure high code quality. Stay up-to-date wi
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
Ищем талантливого WordPress Developer для удаленной работы и долгосрочного сотрудничества. Если вы умеете превращать (верстать) готовые дизайн-проекты в функциональные сайты на CMS WordPress, мы будем рады видеть вас в нашей команде! Что мы ожидаем: Опыт работы от 1-2 лет Наличие 2-3 завершенных проектов (важно чтобы хоть 1 проект был по созданию интернет магазина) Ссылки на ваши работы в портфолио Присоединяйтесь к нам и воплощайте
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
We're searching for a proactive and experienced Remote Sales Manager to join our fast-growing team in Moldova. If you excel in building strong relationships, have a strategic approach, and a proven history of client management, we want you on our team. What You Will Do: Proactively seek out new partners and business opportunities globally Follow up on leads through emails, Skype, and other social platforms to close deals Maintain open commu
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry.We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including i
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
Мы ищем опытного специалиста по интеграции 1С с Битрикс для работы на удаленной основе. Если вы обладаете глубокими знаниями в области интеграции систем и хотите стать частью динамичной команды, мы будем рады видеть вас среди наших сотрудников. Обязанности: Разработка и реализация решений по интеграции 1С с Битрикс. Настройка и оптимизация обмена данными между системами. Обеспечение бесперебойной работы интеграционных процессов. Диагностик
We are The Customization Group,A global leader in mass customization. With facilities in the USA, Poland, and Latvia, our team can manufacture up to 500.000 personalized products daily, reaching millions of customers through 20+ of our own online shops and 1,000+ external shops.Our digital on-demand business model expresses our commitment to sustainability and innovation. Our diverse team&nbs
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
We are The Customization Group,A global leader in mass customization. With facilities in the USA, Poland, and Latvia, our team can manufacture up to 500.000 personalized products daily, reaching millions of customers through 20+ of our own online shops and 1,000+ external shops.Our digital on-demand business model expresses our commitment to sustainability and innovation. Our diverse team&nbs
Требуется технолог на фрилансе для конструирования корпусной мебели в программе Базис мебельщик. Зарплата от 45 лей/м2 Ставка за обработанный м2 ДСП и МДФ Телефон: 0 607 905 92
We are The Customization Group,A global leader in mass customization. With facilities in the USA, Poland, and Latvia, our team can manufacture up to 500.000 personalized products daily, reaching millions of customers through 20+ of our own online shops and 1,000+ external shops.Our digital on-demand business model expresses our commitment to sustainability and innovation. Our diverse team&nbs
Company Overview:U Trust Insurance Agency LLC is a rapidly growing insurance provider with operations across 28 US states. We are committed to delivering excellent customer service and innovative solutions to meet our clients' needs. As we continue to expand, we are seeking a skilled and dedicated Virtual Assistant to join our team. This is a fully remote position that offers an exciting opportunity to work with a diverse and dynamic team. Posit
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including
Are you passionate about crafting engaging content? We're excited to welcome an English Content Writer! In this role, you'll join the dynamic world of international gambling markets - such as the UK, New Zealand, and Ireland - by creating SEO-optimized content that drives our brands forward.Experience in the iGaming industry is not required, as we offer comprehensive training and full support to help you succeed from day one. This is a fully rem
aqua is looking for an experienced .NET/JavaScript Fullstack Developer to empower our team, help us rebuild the product architecture and develop new product functionality. We offer a first-in-class Test Management Solution, one of the leading ones in the German and European markets. 100+ mid+ to enterprise customers with 10K+ users already trust us (banks, governmental companies, manufacturing and IT giants like Google, and much more), and we ar
Мы ищем талантливого Laravel разработчика для присоединения к нашей команде по разработке и поддержке аналитического инструмента для продавцов на маркетплейсах Wildberries и Ozon - sellerdata.ru. Sellerdata - это быстрорастущий сервис аналитики прибыли с дополнительными инструментами для продавцов маркетплейсов, такими как: Управление запасами Возмещение за потерянный и поврежденный товар Оптимизатор рекламных кампаний Оповещения об измене
We are looking for German speaking representatives ready to work in an international environment. Responsibilities: Establishing contacts with customers via phone (a training course is included); Negotiate for sales transactions; Develop loyal business relationships; Work with one of the most advanced system. Requirements: Knowledge of German level B2-C1; Good knowledge of PC (Excel, Word & etc); Expected to have your own wor
О компании: Молодая и амбициозная аутсорсинговая IT-компания. Являемся резидентами MITP. Мы создаем передовые решения для сферы электронной коммерции и финансов, помогая нашим клиентам достигать устойчивого роста и адаптироваться к динамично меняющемуся рынку. Мы стремимся к разработке качественных и надёжных продуктов, которые приносят реальные результаты. Наша команда объединяет специалистов высокого уровня, которые ценят инновации, взаимную
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry.We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition!We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including iGa
GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry.We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition!We develop complete tech coverage for gambling businesses worldwide, including iGa
О компании: Молодая и амбициозная аутсорсинговая IT-компания. Являемся резидентами MITP. Мы создаем передовые решения для сферы электронной коммерции и финансов, помогая нашим клиентам достигать устойчивого роста и адаптироваться к динамично меняющемуся рынку. Мы стремимся к разработке качественных и надёжных продуктов, которые приносят реальные результаты. Наша команда объединяет специалистов высокого уровня, которые ценят инновации, взаимную п
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