React development

age 28 лет


address Bender

5 000 MDL

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Обо мне

Html, Css(SASS, SCSS), Js, React, TypeScript, Redux toolkit, RTK Query, Jest, Storybook, Cypress

Опыт работы

Май 2024 - Настоящее время
10 месяцев

Frontend developer

Masters Way


Web Application Development and Support: Creating responsive and interactive user interfaces using React, Redux and TypeScript, which improved application performance by 30%.
Performance Optimization: Implementation of best practices for optimizing page loading and rendering, which reduced loading time by 40%.
Cross-browser Compatibility: Ensuring that web applications work flawlessly across all major browsers and devices.
Interaction with design teams: Working closely with UX/UI designers to implement user interfaces, which increased user satisfaction by 25%.
API Integration: Implementation of integration with RESTful and GraphQL APIs for dynamic data acquisition.
Test automation: Setup and support of tests using Jest and Cypress, which reduced the number of bugs by 50%.
Documentation management: Development and support of project documentation to facilitate future development and maintenance.
Coaching and mentoring: Mentoring junior developers and conducting code reviews, which contributed to their professional growth and improved the quality of the team's code.


Румынский Базовый

Русский Свободно владею

Желаемая отрасль

ИТ, Технологии

Образование: Среднее-специальное

Год окончания: 2015

БПФ ПГУ им. Т. Г. Шевченко

Специальность: програмист

Курсы, тренинги

Год окончания: 2024

React js

Организатор: ulbi

Пожелания к работе

График работы


Водительское удостоверение

Категория: A, B

С личным авто

Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".