36 лет
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Обо мне
Greetings!!! I am a software testing professional dedicated to quality and reliability.
Throughout my career, I have successfully participated in projects for leading companies where my work has contributed to high customer satisfaction. I specialize in functional, automated and manual testing, ensuring complete test coverage and critical bug detection. My expertise in Agile, Scrum, Postman, Selenium, BackstopJs, JMeter allows me to effectively handle a variety of tasks. I am always striving for self-development and keep up to date with innovations in the testing industry to stay on the cutting edge. My communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with developers and other team members make me a valuable member of project teams.
I pride myself on my ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions and am ready to apply my experience and skills to new challenges in the world of software testing.
Postman, API Testing, Selenium Web Driver, Functional testing, Non-functional testing, JIRA, Agile Scrum,
Performance Testing, JMeter, Test documentation
Опыт работы
Февраль 2024 - Настоящее время
1 год 1 месяц
Automation QA Engineer
ARL Avantaj Prim
Key Responsibilities:
-Analyzing and refining task details and creating a test plan
-Carrying out the necessary testing in different environments
-Analyzing the fulfillment of task acceptance criteria
-Investigating and finding causes of bugs and communicating with the developer to resolve them
-Writing bug reports in Jira
-Writing test cases for all futures using Test Rail
-Writing automated tests using Selenium WebDriver and Codeception - PHP Testing framework
-Working in Kanban project management methodology
Январь 2023 - Февраль 2024
1 год 2 месяца
QA Engineer
SRL Axiom Connected
Key responsibilities:
- Analyze and clarify with BA team the requirements for futures
- Planning the testing process using test design techniques
- Working with relational database using SQLServer, DBeaver
- Generation of test data in the database
- Conducting functional testing: Smoke testing, Sanity testing, Acceptance testing
- Carrying out non-functional testing: UI&UX testing, Positive&Negative testing
- API testing using Postman for REST architectural style
- Running Postman collections for regression testing
- Identifying defects in software and writing bug tickets for them using Jira
- Creating SET tickets and initiating CRs
- Clarify defect details with developers and discuss prioritization with PM
- Writing test cases for each futures using Test Rail for further regression automation
- Working in an agile software development environment
- Working in CI/CD development environment
- Writing UI autotests using Selenium Webdriver, Java
Июнь 2014 - Май 2022
7 лет 11 месяцев
Quality control of retail stores projects implementation
SRL Dina Cociug
Key responsibilities:
- Analyzing project baseline data
- Planning project steps, controlling risks and managing resources for project realization
- Task management in CRM system
- Management of communication between departments and writing business processes for QMS
- Quality control of project implementation according to the criteria
- Communication with the Client on project issues
- Managing a team of technical specialists
Румынский Разговорный
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Средний
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 2016
Institutul International de Meanagement IMI Nova
Факультет: Economica
Специальность: Marketing si Logistica
Курсы, тренинги
Год окончания: 2022
Manual Quality Assurance
Организатор: CodeAcademy Moldova
Пожелания к работе
График работы
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
С личным авто
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