41 год
40 000 MDL
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".
Обо мне
Бэкэнд разработчик с более чем 6-ти летним стажем,
Знания языка JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript
занния фрэймворков Nest.js, Express,
знания по работе с SQL and NoSQL базами данных Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL,
а также такие технологии как RabbitMQ, Docker, AWS services, Jenkins,
работал с архитектурами Monolithic & Microservices
ТОП Навыки
Опыт работы
Январь 2022 - Настоящее время
3 года 2 месяца
NodeJS backend developer
I developed an API from scratch for a web application that allows students to study various subjects, such as mathematics and literature, with features like exercises, tests, and examinations. I solely developed the backend for the application, taking full responsibility for its implementation. The team included two front-end developers and a tester, and I was responsible for coordinating the team to address common challenges. This role provided me with some experience in team leadership. https://reviseonline.pearson.com/
The second project involved developing a large-scale application for a major company to manage its employee hiring process. The backend was built on a microservices architecture with over 15 services. The project included more than five teams, each consisting of approximately 10 members. My role focused on implementing user stories as part of the development process. This project provided valuable experience in working with microservices architecture and message brokers.
Март 2021 - Декабрь 2021
10 месяцев
NodeJS developer
As part of a backend team, I worked on developing an API for a web and mobile application that allows employees to book available office resources, such as desks, rooms, parking spaces, and more. I was one of three backend developers, responsible for implementing various user stories and contributing to approximately one-third of the overall development work.
Ноябрь 2019 - Февраль 2021
1 год 4 месяца
NodeJS developer
I worked on Node.js projects focused on gathering keyword information to enhance website promotion for clients. I developed various parsers for platforms like Facebook and Google Search, grouped and processed the data, and sent it to different data warehouses. In essence, this was a form of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) development. Additionally, I wrote unit and end-to-end (E2E) tests to ensure the quality and reliability of our product.
Март 2019 - Июль 2019
5 месяцев
NodeJS developer
I developed a high-load project focused on selling advertisements across various devices. The entire system was built around ETL processes. My responsibilities included organizing the code into logical domains, versioning the code in Git, implementing business logic rules, and addressing bugs reported by the support team.
Румынский Не знаю
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Разговорный
Украинский Свободно владею
Желаемая отрасль
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 2006
Одесский Национальный Университет им. Мечникова
Факультет: Математики
Специальность: Математик, программист, экономист
Курсы, тренинги
Год окончания: 2015
Организатор: Step Academy
Год окончания: 2016
Организатор: javarush.ru
Год окончания: 2018
Организатор: codewars.com
Пожелания к работе
График работы
Полный день
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
С личным авто
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".