Python Developer

age 27 years


address Bălți

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About me

I am a Python developer with experience in creating software, including console applications, Telegram bots, and REST APIs. Below are the main areas of my expertise:

Python Development : Creating user interaction logic, data processing, and implementing complex algorithms (e.g., IMEI validation using the Luhn algorithm).
Database Management : Experience working with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, as well as using SQLAlchemy and Alembic for managing migrations.
API Development : Building RESTful services using FastAPI and Flask, including token-based authorization and handling JSON requests.
Telegram Bots : Implementing bots with functionality for data verification, authorization, and integration with external services.
Containerization : Experience with Docker for creating isolated development and deployment environments.
Version Control : Working with Git and GitHub for project management, including creating repositories, commits, and uploading code.
Localization and Translations : Developing multilingual applications using translation systems (e.g., support for Russian and English languages).
Testing : Writing unit and integration tests to ensure the correct functioning of programs.
In addition to technical skills, I possess analytical thinking, attention to detail, and the ability to solve complex problems. I work well in a team, quickly learn new technologies, and effectively communicate with colleagues and clients.

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JSON Web Token Telegram API Aiogram SQL Uvicorn SQLAlchemy Pydantic Alembic REST API FastAPI MySQL PostgreSQL API Git SQLite Flask Django Tkinter Docker


Romanian Communication

Russian Native

English Fluent

Desired industry

IT, Tech

Job preferences




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