
age 21 ani


address Anenii Noi

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Despre mine

I am eager to develop my professional career in an IT company where I can contribute both independently and as part of a team to achieve project goals. Currently, I am in my final year at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, pursuing a degree in Automatics and Computers with a specialization in Informatics. Originally from the Republic of Moldova, I chose to study in Romania to deepen my knowledge and gain valuable experience in this dynamic field.

Vezi mai mult

TOP Competențe

NodeJs 1 an
Javascript 1 an
OpenAI 1 an
NextJS 1 an
Flexible 1 an
Team Work 1 an

Experiența profesională

Noiembrie 2023 - Prezent
1 an 4 luni

Full-Stack Developer

GAIM Solutions


Tailwindcss ShadCN OpenAI Python Supabase Firebase NodeJs Javascript ReactJS NextJS Flexible Team Work

Being a web and mobile developer, full stack, for this position, I have tried and explored a comprehensive set of the latest technologies and methods. I have developed and built a variety of websites which required my complete stack expertise, and applications, live and successfully helping businesses streamline their processes. My technical abilities include Next.js development, Python, and React Native (Tamagui framework), creating custom REST APIs, and integrating AI features using OpenAI's Python library. I also have hands-on experience with databases such as Firebase, Supabase, and MySQL, delivering the best data storage and management for applications. I also have experience with Docker for container-based deployment, Tailwind CSS and ShadCN for responsive and clean UI development, and other tools that make development easier. From these projects, I have brought many new technologies and best practices into the company and am constantly improving my technical skill set.

Ianuarie 2023 - Aprilie 2023
4 luni

Full-Stack Developer SRL, Romania


MySQL Sequelize Rest API NodeJs Javascript React

I worked as a front-end developer in a team of six people: three individuals focused on the front-end, and three on the back-end. My primary goal and task were centered around creating the website I held the responsibility of translating the design into code and ensuring responsiveness across various devices. Throughout this process, my work was under the supervision of a senior developer with whom I collaborated closely, allowing me to acquire valuable insights into design principles and optimization techniques. During this experience, I utilized TypeScript and explored new tools like MUI, Axios, and Storybook

Noiembrie 2022 - Ianuarie 2023
3 luni

Full Stack Web Developer SRL


Rest API Javascript NodeJs Sequelize React

The website made is, this is a website builder in which you can also find an admin panel. In the admin panel, the owner of this site can modify the content website, colors, pictures, etc. For this project, I used React JS on the front and the back Node JS + Express + Sequelize. I worked with MySQL database and put into practice my knowledge. In this project, I've worked alone.


Română Fluent

Rusă Elementar

Engleză Fluent

Domeniul dorit

IT, Tech

Studii: Superioare incomplete

Studiez la moment

Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

Facultatea: Automatica si Calculatoare

Specialitatea: Informatica

Cursuri, training-uri

Absolvit în: 2022

Liceul Teoretic Mihai Eminescu

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă



Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

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