Influencer manager (менеджер по работе с блогерами)

AdHive №8052244, 11 iunie 2019
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Se accepta fără experientă
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Munca la distanta / Freelance
- communication with influencers in English (Asia, Europe)
- to understand the price policy of YouTube/Instagram: negotiate price and advertising format;
- to search influencers in accordance with requirements of an advertising campaign;
- to control terms and timeframe of the posts;
- to do reports upon advertising campaign accomplishing
- Ability to pick up things fast
- Excel, PowerPoint, GoogleDoc proficiency level
- responsibility, ability to work in the mode of multitasking and tough deadlines.
- upper Intermediate - advanced english
- We will consider candidates without work experience, but with knowledge of the English language or understanding how the social network works (Instagram and Youtube) and the desire to study.
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